Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Great Devotional, I just had to share it.

This is from a daily devotional I get online called Proverbs 31 Ministries. I loved what it had to say, and I love the way it can change your thoughts and feelings when you think you are in a deep pit of despair. It is by Micca Monda Campbell, and it was May 24th's devotion. I didn't include the entire devotion, just the parts that spoke to me the most. I hope it touches you as well.


"When tragedy strikes, it causes some to question God's loyalty to care for us. In the Bible, God promises His care and protection. Why then does God seem distant when disaster strikes? Is He snoozing on the couch? Is He on a coffee break? Worse yet, perhaps God isn't the promise keeper we think He is. Or maybe we're not looking at the whole picture.

Yes, God promises to care for us. At the same time, He never promised we wouldn't face adversity. Christ warned, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33, NIV). You and I experience Christ's peace when we realize that peace isn't the absence of pressure. It's the presence of God in the midst of our chaos. (Italics and bold, mine)

As the pressure of stress and worry weigh on us, it's easy to forget or ignore God's peace. Often times it's us who distance ourselves from God - not the other way around. But when you and I quiet ourselves and acknowledge God's presence, peace washes over our anxieties. The truth is God is always near in times of trouble and he cares deeply about our pain.

You and I do not have a God who doesn't understand our pain and emotions. He knows. According to dictionary.com the Hebrew word for "to know" is "yadaa." In Greek, it is "yada" which means "a deep emotional experience; a bonding between two people when one truly feels the emotions of the other." That's our God, friends! He may be working for a higher purpose that we can't understand right now, but He is NOT detached from our pain. Let this truth calm your fears and soothe your heart. God knows; He's been there and He's there still.

Often the trials we mourn are really gateways to the good things we long for, like a deeper relationship with God, greater patience, and a compassion for others."

"Whatever God's plan is, we can rest assured it's a good one. While we wade through the process, we have His promised presence, provision, and understanding. Elisabeth Elliot states it this way, "It is God with whom we travel, and while He is the end of our journey, He is also at every stopping place."

Dear Lord, You are with me when I'm strong and when I'm weak. You never leave my side. Today and everyday help me to trust Your promises, experience Your presence, and feel Your love. In Jesus' Name, Amen."