Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sprint for Life 2014

The 17th annual event will be held in Houston on Saturday, May 3, 2014!  Register Today at 
This will be my fourth Sprint For Life to attend, and this year my littlest will be joining me.  C was only 4 months old when my mother passed away, but he knows all about her love of butterflies (as well as mine), knows exactly who she is, and knows that she loved him to the moon and back and all around the stars. 
I have tried to take my mother's disease and death, and everything I have learned through it, to help others I meet and know who are fighting cancer or who have loved ones with cancer. That way the suffering has a purpose!
Cancer is mean, it sucks, and it affects anyone. Once you get passed that part, you realize that not only the person with cancer is suffering, but so are the people around them. How hard it is to watch someone you love deal with side effects from chemo! My mom and I used to focus on the good. If the side effects were making her that sick, just think of what the chemo is doing to the cancer! Every little good thing was lifted up in praise.  When you focus on the good, you can see what God is doing.  When you focus on the bad, you feel hopeless.   Find the good, seek the joy in each day, and you will feel God's presence.  
I have lost a dear friend, so strong in faith to cancer in the last few weeks. She did not deserve cancer, the suffering, or to die, but God used her. God showed His love through her, God brought so many closer to Him because of her. She was a pillar of faith, love, and gentleness. Oh how she will be missed, and I feel this strong desire to make sure her spirit lives on. She left a precious husband, a 6 year old son, and a 2 year old daughter behind. I can only imagine what those children will become after just a short time with their will be amazing, I know that much. 
The truth is, cancer sucks. It really, really, sucks. But we can either sit and focus on the sucky stuff, or we can find praises to God. In every bad situation, if you look for the good, you will find it.  That good is God.  
God is good! He loves all of us!